Casa Tineretului Timișoara

Casa Tineretului Timișoara

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Str. Arieș 19, Timișoara, Romania


Timisoara Youth Centre is an impressive building of 11.000 sqm which was built in 1976 and since then, it has served as a youth centre (the name of the building is actually "Timisoara Youth House"). The Council of Europe awarded it in 2016 with the Quality Label for Youth Centres (2016-2023). Among many training rooms, coworking spaces and sport facilities, our building has a 404 seats spectacle/cinema hall, 3 ballet rooms, 3 music rooms, a concert garden (max.500 people), a theatre room (70 seats), an art gallery (costumes, painting, ceramics & sculpture and graphic arts), a video studio and an art studio (painting, drawing, graphic arts, ceramics)

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