The Deta City Museum

The Deta City Museum


Muzeul Orașului Deta, România


The Deta City Museum was founded in 1969, having as main profile prehistoric archeology and history.

The museum halls hosts Hallstatt's, ceramics, medieval objects, as well as ethnographic items.

The archaeological excavations made by curators of the Banat Museum and Professor Dani Bela (in the 1960s and 1970s) led to the discovery of bronze objects, bracelets, lamps, darts, pots, coins, ornaments, proving the existence of living in the area since the Neolithic era.

Among the pieces appreciated in Deta City Museum are the printing machine used in 1880 to print the first issue of the newspaper ”Dettauer Zeitung”, weekly at the beginning, then twice a week, its appearance ceasing only in 1946.

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